Obama the Impotent?
Writing on Huffington Post, the New America Foundation’s Steven Hill suggests that Obama may lack the power to realize the change Americans voted for. Of course Obama is no LBJ, but on this Portside, it seems apparent that the structure of American gov…
The Very Rich: Tax Us More
Not all wealthy Americans are possessed by greed. On this Portside, Burt Cohen talks with Oscar Meyer heir Chuck Collins who is heading up a new organization called Wealth for the Common Good. They are pushing to repeal the Bush tax cuts on the wealthi…
Time to let Texas Go?
The political and social divide in America is the greatest since Vietnam.
On this Portside, Burt Cohen interviews Daniel Miller, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement. “Sovereignty or Secession” is their chant.
Should the currently united states …
Joe Wilson: Poster Child for the New Republican Party
Huffington Post columnist Robert Creamer (author of How Progressives Can Win) talks with Burt about what the childishness of the current crop of fringe disruptors means for the GOP. Will this become their new identity, how much risk to Republicans, and…
The Firing of Van Jones
Americans Who Tell the Truth is the name of Robert Shetterly’s portrait series. In this Portside, Burt Cohen and Shetterly look into what it means that neither President Obam nor the Democrats stood in the way of a 21st century lynching of Van Jones. w…
“Pro-Life” In a Tailspin?
Now that pro-choice Obama is president, the anti-choice movement is reeling. Jodi Jacobson, senior political editor of RH Reality Check talks about new realities, at the federal and state level on this issue.
Has America Begun to Move Away From Militarism?
Americans voted for real change last November. In this Portside Peace Action’s National Director Kevin Martin talks with Burt about how much change there is or is not. Are the weapons contractors still setting policy, or have we begun to change c…
CIA and Torture: Abu Ghriab as Tradition
Most Americans were shocked the horrific images of Abu Ghraib, but Alfred McCoy was not. He’s been following the Central Intelligence Agency since the early 1970s, when it tried to stop the publication of his book, The Politics of Heroin: C…
Who is Working for Whom?
On this Portside, Burt dicusses the roots of the health insurance reform debate with UMass economics professor Richard Wolff, who argues the trend has been our govenrment answering to big money interests more and more. Yet he believes the Blue Dogs mig…
Blue Dogs and Blue Blood
Standing in the way of Obama’s health insurance reform are the Blue Dogs, a group of conservative Democrats in Congress. On this edition of portside, Burt talks with Donna Smith, legislative advocate for the California Nurses Association about who the …
State Single Payer?/ The Hopscotch Terrorists
Here he comes to save the day! Not Mighty Mouse, Dennis Kucinich. On the first part of this Portside, columnist Joshua Holland explains the Ohio congressman’s plan (with bipartisan support) to save single payer health care by enabling…
The Clean Energy Act: A Step Forward?/CA TV Bans Tax-Marijuana Ad
Is the American Clean Energy and Security Act a good first step or does it effectively lock pollution in place? On the first half of this edition of Portside, Burt Cohen talks with Jesse Jenkins of the Breakthrough Institute about the questionable good…
Finance Industry Benefits Most from New Energy Bill/ Neo-Cons Love Ahmadinijad
The House-passed Waxman-Markey Bill may do little to cut emmissions and create green jobs in America, but wall St stands to gain a lot. Burt Cohen talks with Teryn Norris of the Breaktrough Institute on the first half. In part two, Burt talks with Auth…
Time to Rethink the Institution of Marriage?
At last gay couples are gaining the right to marry. But given how often marriage is sexless and oppressive to the individuals involved, others are wondering: Is it time to rethink the whole institution? On this edition of Portside Burt Cohen talk…
Is Smaller Better in the World Economy? Try Devolution.
Have you had it with creeping centralization? Bugged that your tax dollars are being used to prop up bigness? Well there may be an answer. On this edition of Portside, Burt Cohen talks with author Paul Starobin, whose article “Divided We Stand” appeare…
Emerging Movement in American Evangelism
With the political and cultural demise of America’s right wing evangelicals, what next for the Christian church? On this edition of Portside, Burt Cohen speaks with Rev. Scot McKnight, internationally known speaker and professor of religious stud…
How Pres. Clinton and the Democrats Worsened the West Bank and Chances for Peace
In the 1990s, the president and Democrats in Congress rubber stamped billions in aid for Israel, not matter what. On this Portside, Burt Cohen talks with Stephen Zunes, chair of Middle Eastern Studies at the University of San Francisco and senior polic…
Democrats Dither on Gitmo?/New Start in El Salvador with FMLN’s Funes
Candidate Barack Obama made closing the prison camp at Guantanamo one of his first priorities. Now he and the Democrats seem to be dithering. On this edition of Portside, Burt Cohen talks with Rolling Stone columnist Mat Taibbi about Obama and the Demo…
19th Century Beliefs Meet 21st Century Realities
Afraid to be called flip-floppers, many politicans act on beliefs instead of new realities. On today’s Portside, Burt Cohen talks with philosophy and logic professor John Kozy about the friction between old mindsets and new challenges, and how this end…
i3rd World Economy and $108 Billion for IMF/Unfettered Capitalism and Food
It looks like the US senate is about to make the global economic downturn worse…with your tax dollars. On this edition of Portside, Burt Cohen first talks with economist Mark Weisbrot about the plan to slip over a hundred billion of our dollars to th…
Is it Possible to Win in Afghanistan?
Ann Jones, author of Kabul in Winter, is Burt’s guest. She spent years in Afghanistan and reveals much about realities on the ground and what’s in store for what’s become Obama’s war.
Cops Call for End to Drug War
Will Obama End the War on Drugs? On this edition of Portside, Burt’s guest is Peter Christ, a twenty year police veteran of the drug war and now a spokesperson for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. What are the changes we can expect? Could the…
Carbon Tax: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?
Finally there seems to be agreement we need to reduce carbon emissions. On the next Portside, Burt Cohen looks at the prospect of a carbon tax. Polluting industries oppose a tax on carbon emissions and mainstream environmental groups seek to compromise…
Fear of Equal Marriage
Has the tide turned? Equal marriage rights seem to be sweeping the country, and New Hampshire is close, very close. On this edition of Portside, Burt Cohen talks with Mo Baxley, head of the Freedom to Marry Coalition. Why isn’t civil union good e…
The Story Behind the Tea Parties
On this Portside, Burt Cohen and Huffington Post analyst Adele Stan look at what’s behind the populist anger in the recent Tea Parties. And how well is President Obama navigating the terrain? Join Burt Cohen and Adele Stan as they figure it all out.
Socialists Out and Proud
For the last 75 years or so, when you say the word “Socialism” nearly everyone recoils. But now, according to sports historian David Zirin “Socialism’s all the rage.” Oddly enough, it’s the right wing which is creating a new interest in wha…
National Lawyers Guild Reports on Gaza
A new report says Israel deliberately targeted civilians–including
people holding white flags of surrender– during its war on Gaza.
On this edition of Portside, Burt Cohen’s guest is Huwaida Arraf, one of the
primary authors of the just-released repo…
Afghani Veterans on Obama Plan
President Obama just announced a new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan.
On this edition of Portside, Burt Cohen talks with PJ O’Brien, of Votevets.org about why American veterans of the Afghanistan war are so strongly supportive of the president’s …
TMI 30 years later: Nuclear Power in the US and France
Proponents of nuclear power always point to France, where about 80% of electricity comes from atomic fission. But not all is well in the land of wine and cheese. Onthis edition of Portside, Burt Cohen talks with Linda Gunter, co-founder of …