Israel & Palestine
Netanyahu and Jewish Identity
In light of the Israeli state’s massive assault on Gaza, the question comes up: what does it mean to be a Jew? Our guest veteran New York Times sportswriter Robert Lipsyte says being a Jew entails certain responsibilities and obligations;
Israel’s Vietnam?
Large transfers of population, meaning massive destruction of living areas. Racist colonialism; the intent to eliminate. Total domination through force. On this show Franklin and Marshall College History professor Van Gosse talks about similarities and differences between the American War
Mainstream Jewish Americans Opposed Creation of Israel
In the pivotal yer of 1916, Jewish leaders like Jacob Schiff opposed creation of a Jewish state. That was the majority opinion, unlike now. The financier who was instrumental in creating the Wall St we know today, made sure to
Mainstream Jewish Americans Opposed Creation of Israel
In the pivotal yer of 1916, Jewish leaders like Jacob Schiff opposed creation of a Jewish state. That was the majority opinion, unlike now. The financier who was instrumental in creating the Wall St we know today, made sure to
Who Defines the Jewish Self?
The Republican led Congress declared antiZionism to be one in the same as antiSemitism. But is that accurate? Judaism has been around for thousands of years, Zionism only 150 or so. Does the Israeli state get to define my Jewishness?
Parallels: Israel and India; Bibi and Modi
Keeping one ethnicity in control: The Israeli state and Modi’s India. Palestinians and India’s Muslim minority. The chumminess of Bibi and Modi. And in both cases, the oppressors ask: who lit the fire? On this show, Stan Cox explains the
Israel’s American Objective: Create Fear Among Students
No one wants to be labeled “anti-Semitic.” But there’s a massive yet secret Israel-run spy network not only spying on American university protesters but intimidating them, affecting their lives and job prospects. On this show author James Bamford reveals the
From 2016: Israel Conflates Religion with Nationalism
The unquestioned backing by Jewish Americans for the State of Israel started to fade about ten years ago, well before the current war. This keepingdemocracyalive is from 2016, in which Allan C. Brownfield reveals the relatively short shelf life of
Rabbi in The West Bank Calls for Torat Tzedek, An End to Settler Brutality
Violence in the West Bank has ramped up markedly in recent days. Jewish settlers there see the barbaric and evil acts of October 7th as a green light. They’re not just vigilantes, they are subsidized by the Israeli government and
2023: A Turning Point for Israel/Palestine?
It’s been an exceptionally long and bloody stalemate. And with the far right anti-democracy government of Netanyahu turning its wrath on Jewish Israelis, and opinion in the US and the world showing real shift, our guest Mitchell Plitnick of ReThinking
Michigan Moves Forward, Arkansas Clamps Down on Rights
When Republicans win power, they use it. Obama tried bipartisanship. There was little, if any, perceptible change. In the following campaign in 2016, Trump said “I made a promise to the forgotten men and women of this country that I
The Israeli Far Right 2023: The Mask is Off
Suddenly in 2023, the aspiration of being the only democracy in the middle east is unraveling itself from within. With its turn to the far right, antidemocratic political Zionism is overpowering traditional spiritual and cultural Zionism. On this show, The
The State of Israel vs The Jews
In walling out Palestinians, the State of Israel has walled in themselves. Former Zionist Israeli Defense Forces paratrooper Sylvain Cypel speaks to us from Paris about his evolution. As a Jewish Frenchman, he says how that country’s experience with Algeria
People Refusing to be Erased
The world sees the “flare up” but not the ongoing banal policies that are at cause. The State of Israel is copying the successful “settling” of the American west, so what options for resistance are open to Palestinians being evicted,
Jewish Israeli: Time to Hold Israel Accountable at The Hague
Interviewed in Israel, Jewish author Larry Derfner says Israel has never been held accountable and argues the International Criminal Court is right to investigate Israel for war crimes. Boycott, Divest,and Sanction has been ineffective and that the right has used
Trump and Pompeo Dictate New Map on Africa//Franco Still Dead
The world is as they say it is. Never mind the people who actually live there, Trump and Pompeo decided and imposed new boundaries between Morocco and Algeria. It may start a war between them but at least it gets
Biden’s Better Foreign Policy?
The slogan was Build Back Better. In terms of foreign policy, our guest today Foreign Policy In Focus’s John Feffer says: “Thanks in no small part to Donald Trump, the United States just doesn’t matter much anymore,” our leadership is
Trump and Netanyahu’s “Peace Deal”
The president calls it a “previously unthinkable regional transformation.” But perhaps it both solidifies the power of medieval monarchies masquerading as modern states, as it ramps up sales of US weapons systems to them. Retired US Army Major Danny Sjursen
The Jewish Tradition of Anti-Zionism
How is it that Jewish liberals felt the State of Israel was exempt from criticism applied elsewhere? Our guest today Benjamin Balthaser, who teaches multi-ethnic literature at Indiana University, talks about a little known history: Most liberal and left Jewish
One State: A Reality But Not Yet a Solution
A two state solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is no longer possible. In his book Paradigm Lost: From Two-State Solution to One-State Reality, our guest Ian S. Lustick, political science professor at U of Penn, reveals that Israel changed drastically
Trump-Netanyahu Deal: Disappearing a People
Trump calls it the “Deal of the Century.” Just announced with much fanfare, a new peace plan for Israel and Palestine. Only with no Palestinian participation. The ceremony was with Trump, Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, and Sheldon Adelson, and some may
Christmas/Hanukkah Are About Strength Through Generosity, Not Dominance
It’s more than the similar time of year. According to guest Rabbi Michael Lerner, of Tikkun Magazine and chair of the Network of Spiritual Progressives, both holidays mark times in which people without power successfully took on the powers of
Trump Order Threatens Jews and Free Speech
A new executive order by President Trump stamps a radical new definition on the meaning of anti-semitism. Its purpose is to clamp down on freedom of speech. A Chicago area rabbi says her congregants have said “this feels like the
The Crucial December 12th British Election Explained
Consumed with Brexit, the old upper and lower class divisions are themselves divided. According to professor Kenneth Surin, a Brit teaching at Duke, the decision made by voters in the upcoming general election will be of major importance. On one
Trump and “Disloyal Jews”//The Corpse of Franco and Democracy in Spain
Did Trump mean to be anti-Semitic with his insistence that Jewish Americans who vote Democratic are disloyal? According to our first guest, civil justice advocate and attorney Mark Bello, without question yes, Trump is anti-Semitic. And he says Trump is
Angela Davis: Rising Star Again
After nearly 50 years, she’s back in the news, and she keeps on pushing. Angela Davis gained fame/notoriety as the Afro-coiffed California professor/activist speciously charged with helping Jonathan Jackson trying to free his brother George, author of Soledad Brother, from
Obvious Migrant Solution//CNN Fires Professor
A wall isn’t going to work. What will work is addressing the reasons desperate Central Americans walk a thousand miles. Foreign Affairs columnist Patrick Lawrence suggests ways to alleviate the conditions causing the caravan. And on part two, why did
Using “Anti-Semitism” to Defeat Jeremy Corbyn
He’s spoken openly about his concern for justice for Palestinians. As Jeremy Corbyn is continuing to rise as he leads the traditional left Labour Party of the United Kingdom, his detractors are working feverishly to discredit him as an anti-Semite.
Israel’s New Nation-State Law: Codifying Apartheid
At least it’s now out in the open. All Israelis who are not Jewish have had their rights diminished. Given the longstanding discrimination against non-white non-European Jews, Palestinians and Druze are now just third class citizens. Prime Minister Netanyahu described
Saudi Power in Washington: Harming America in the Middle East
Americans are just beginning to learn about our deadly role for the Saudi war in Yemen. For many decades and many presidents, the Saudi royal family has held great sway in Washington. Today the famine and cholera outbreak in Yemen,