
Tax Policy: the 1% and Racism//Trump a War Criminal Already?
Tax breaks for capital gains are a form of class privilege. So says history of US capitalism professor Julia Ott. It’s better public relations for Southern senators than outright Jim Crow, but taxing capital gains less than ordinary income was

The Clintons and Obama Started Trump’s War on Immigrants
Imagine your very existence being seen as proof of guilt. The blatantly racist anti-immigrant policies Trump is known for did not originate with him. In fact, as our guest Avi Chomsky, professor of history and coordinator of Latin American, Latino,

While We’re Not Paying Attention; Remaking State Governments
We all focus on the top, the presidency and then congress. But more than you may think is at stake at the state level. Top corporations are focused where they can accomplish a lot for themselves relatively cheaply. A little

The Real Story of North Korea: It’s Complicated
Behind the simple image of two madmen facing off with nuclear weapons, there’s a lot more to the North Korea story we don’t know. For example, who knew that more bombs were dropped there in the early 50s than in

Better Than Bombs: Freedom from Want
Franklin Roosevelt understood that to be successful at defeating foreign threats, reliance on military power alone was insufficient. In this discussion from 2012 with David Woolner, Senior Fellow at the Roosevelt Institute looks beyond the presidential candidates of the day

The Top 1% Want Us to Hate Taxes
As Oliver Wendell Holmes observed, “Taxes are the price we pay for civilization.” But today’s greed-driven super-rich are determined to destroy America’s traditional valuing of the common good. If regular people hate taxes, then the top one tenth of one

Trump Bombs Syria: Now What?
On the one hand, somebody had to do something. Using Sarin gas to kill babies must not go unchallenged. On the other hand, what did the Tomahawk missile attack accomplish? What about the thousands of innocents already killed by all

Has Populist Wave Crested?//World War One Never Ended
The Democratic nominee was the very antithesis of populism; with her hand out to big money interests seeming to ignore everyday people. So we got Trump. In an article written by internationally recognized historian Alfred McCoy has written about The

MLK’s 4/67 AntiWar Speech Kicked off Today’s Split Among Liberals
It was the beginning of a 50 year split among liberals. Those in power, President Johnson in particular, wanted to relegate Dr. Martin Luther King to his safe civil rights leader role. But boldly, Dr. King spoke out against imperialism

WWI: America Made a Huge Mistake April 6 100 Years Ago. We are Still Paying.
It’s 2017 and no one would dispute that Germany is indeed “Europe’s pre-emininent power.” But on April 6, one hundred years ago America declared war for the explicit purpose of preventing this, though no one was really sure what the

Why Direct Action Works
Direct action is successful when it creates a crisis for those in power. It baffles the powers that be because it is truly democratic, merely a movement of movements. So says L.A. Kauffman, organizer of many direct action events, and

The Threat of Reading//The Danger of Gorsuch
The right wing depends for its power on people not reading. Books have always been subversive. They lead to critical thinking. On the first part of this show, Ken Gloss, proprietor of the internationally renowned Brattle Book Shop talks about

Black Bloc Weather?
Violence at anti-Trump protests is a gift to the powers being protested. Just as the Weathermen in the late sixties were greatly appreciated by Nixon, so too the Bannon/Trump Right loves to label protestors as violent thugs. A veteran of

Intelligent Disobedience: Democracy Depends on It
“Just following orders” is no defense. In a democracy we assume that individuals in society will take personal responsibility and disobey immoral commands. But as many experiments have shown, people rarely question orders from authorities. Our guest on this show

For-Profit Colleges Maintain Economic Inequality
http://media.blubrry.com/keeping_democracy_alive/dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48358971/LowerEd.mp3At for-profit universities, they’re not admission offices, they’re sales forces. It’s no accident that today for-profit colleges and universities are proliferating. They exist to turn a profit for investors, and that means maintaining a class of low income people. Instead

Why To Not Give Up on the Democratic Party
“Voting third party helps those you despise.” So argues Raymond Buckley, who recently ran for chair of the Democratic National Committee. The fact that the race was high in the news demonstrates the beginning success for necessary changes in the

Out of Disaster A Liberal Renaissance in the 1920s: House of Truth
Liberals were shocked by the outcome of the 2016 election. As they were in 1920 when Republicans put up Warren Harding, a big business Republican who campaigned and won on an America First message, stoking the public’s fear of immigrants

When They Killed Berta Caceres A Year Ago, She Multiplied
Asleep in her home the night of March 2, 2016, Berta Caceres was murdered. The military police of Honduras are suspected. But the government failed to stop her work: there are many more Berta Carcereses today. A government getting much

Crushing The Power of Truth? Peter VanBuren and Nick Turse
Telling the truth to power shouldn’t take courage, but it certainly does. On part one, Peter VanBuren, whistle-blower and author of We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People, describes

Army Strategist: Misuse of American Power and the Chaos It Caused
Imagine being a proud part of the military for decades, serving as strategist and then it lands on you: our policy is a failure. Major Danny Sjursen in his inaugural Tom Dispatch post writes from a unique perspective on what

GOP Carbon Tax: A Hedge Against Risk
Never motivated by serving the common good, powerful old-school Republican leaders such as James Baker, George Schultz, and Henry Paulson have put forward a proposal for a carbon emissions tax to fight climate change. You ask: why would they do

The Revolution Before the War of Independence
We’re all familiar with 1776. But before the actual separation from England, there was revolution across the land. The spirit of 1774 was focused on class-blind democracy and a lot of what happened then, with powerful actions from the grassroots

No Lack of Warnings of American Fascism Yet Here We Are!
” They didn’t call it fascism. They painted it red, white, and blue, and called it Americanism.” That’s from a 1942 movie with Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy called Keeper of the Flame, which imagines a full fledged homegrown American

A Typhoon of Terror: American Blacks After “Freedom”
http://media.blubrry.com/keeping_democracy_alive/www.dropbox.com/s/f79eihtv7eu5zse/NeoSlaveryEverGreen1.mp3?dl=0Most of us believe what we were taught in elementary school: that enslaved blacks were freed by the Civil War. The truth is far grimmer. In this gripping discussion (recorded during Obama’s term) Douglas Blackmon, author of Slavery by Another

Malice or Mere Incompetence? Trump vs Dodd-Frank
Do they really intend to destroy the economy and serve the short-term greed of billionaires, or do they just mouth simplistic phrases and really not know what they are doing? We deon’;t really know. The Bannon/Trump Administration is taking aim

Trump Disrupting Disorder: The End of the 20th Century At Last
Aside from the blatant racism, the shocking authoritarianism, and the disregard for the Constitution and laws, President Trump is unwittingly causing the end of a long period of unquestioned world dominance by the USA. According to our guest The Nation

Eleanor and Hick: New Deal Legacy
Everyone knows Eleanor Roosevelt, but her other half was Lorena Hickock. They were as was said “intimate partners,” who greatly influenced FDR and the New Deal. A most unlikely couple: Eleanor from wealth and privilege, Hick from nothing of the

Nuclear Power: Safe and Green?
With the mainstream finally focusing on reducing carbon emissions, the highly capitalized nuclear industry is once again trying for a rebirth. This time as a carbon-free answer to help reduce climate change. But according to guest veteran investigative reporter Karl

Revolution Where You Live: Solutions from the Bottom Up
She traveled 12,000 miles through 18 states and five Indian reservations to discover what local people are doing to address problems of racism, climate change, and economic inequality. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things in places you would not expect. Author