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We remember Nixon’s infamous spying on Americans. Controls were then put in place to stop it.  Today there is an ever expanding movement by both corporations and government agencies to use new communications tools for domestic surveillance purpo…

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On November 3rd, Ben Bernanke’s Federal Reserve Bank announced it would print another 600 billion dollars. What’s the goal, what does it mean for our economy? Listen in as Burt and University of Montreal Economic Profressor Rod Tremlay discuss the matt…

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Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkun Magazine and chair of the Network of Spiritual Progressives talks about his “10 Commandments to Revive Progressives After the November Defeat.” He suggests ways to get over the perception liberals are elitists. An…

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Now is the hard part for the right: governing. Burt’s guest on this podcast is Adele Stan, Washington Bureau Chief for Alternet. Which way will President Obama move: center or left? How powerful will the Tea Party be and how will the GOP handle them? A…

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On November 2nd, Californians will vote on ending prohibition of marjuana. Burt’s guest is Hanna Liebman Dershowitz, an attorney in Los Angeles, co-chair of the Proposition 19 legal subcommittee. It’s an intense struggle with ramifications for the enti…

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Can we advance national security goals and cut the Department of Defense budget? Congressmen Barney Frank and Ron Paul joined with 53 others calling on the White House study on deficit reduction to look at ways to reduce the massive spending and adapt …

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Famous for its coal mines, eastern Kentucky also pays a high monetary and air quality price for electricity generated by coal. But a number of members of the region’s electric co-op are determined to bring democracy back to that entity, as was original…

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In this revealing interview, author David Rosen looks at what really drives the Tea Party. It’s not just the fiscal insurrectionists, angry formerly middle class Americans. And it’s not just the oligarchs who fund the movement for their own benefit eit…

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What would happen to our economy if the Republicans actually passed their new “Pledge to America?” UMass economics professor Richard Wolff dissects the facts.

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 If you oppose any part of the “war on terror,” that makes you a terrorist, right?  With recent raids on antiwar organizers homes in the midwest, the Obama Justice Department is purposely chilling our freedoms. That’s the opinion of Heidi Bog…

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Guest Kevin Mattson stirred up a hornet’s nest with an article in the American Prospect titled “Forget Populism.” Many on the left came down hard on the Ohio University history professor’s piece, arguing progressives are the true home of populism. Tune…

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One of America’s top political strategists, Robert Creamer, says the power of the Palin touch in the September 14th primaries, the strength of the Tea Party, is very good news for progressives chances in the upcoming general elections. IF they find som…

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Bud Welch’s then 23 year old daiughter Julie was killed in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. At first he wanted to kill the killers himself. Now he’s on a national crusade to end America’s death penalty. He even met with the father of Timothy McVeigh. He…

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Politics in NH have never been hotter. On this show, Burt’s guests are Portsmouth Herald editor for news Rick Fabrizio and former state Republican Party Chair Fergus Cullen, analyzing the races for US Senate, Congress, and Governor. And they discuss th…

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Terrorism is what the bad guys do, right? In this fascinating and revealing interview, author Douglas Valentine describes the state terrorism at the very root of the national security state. We always thought this was about keeping us safe from attack….

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In economically difficult times, the pressure is on to cut public services in favor of economic development. But according to a new non-partisan study by the Political Economy Research Institute, that’s precisely the wrong approach. For both the short …

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They’re everywhere. Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs are in many foods we eat. It’s largely banned in Europe, where they call it Frankenfoods. Dr. Shiv Chopra’s name has become synonymous with food safety. And he has a blueprint for food safety….

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The issue of ensuring access to the internet for all points of view is just beginning to bubble up. But even though the Tea Party is a beneficiary of the so-far even playing field, they want to turn control over to the big corporations. Listen in and g…

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From Mad magzine writer to publisher of The Realist and author of many books, Paul Krassner has made his mark on history. One of the founders of The Yippies, Krassner is still at it with his observations of the culture war which began with the right wi…

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Equal marriage supporters are celebrating, sure. But reproductive rights are also affected by Judge Vaughn Walker’s recent decision overturning California’s Proposition 8, which had banned same sex marriages. What lies ahead for equal marriage rights? …

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Proponents insist it will make America energy independent while polluting less. But is nuclear power that good to deserve a bailout to the tune of $54 billion of our money? On this show, Nuclear Information Resource Services executive director Michael …

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It’s being called the Summer of Liberal’s Discontent. The 2008 election was all about Hope, but why is so little action being taken to address unemployment?  On this segment, Les Leopold, author of the Looting of America, consultant to the Blue…

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Politicians are scrambling to look more deficit cutting than their competitor. But according to Micheal Lind, policy director of the Economic Growth Program at the New America Foundation, that’s not only terrible economics, but bad politics as well. 

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It was June 28th 2009 that there was a coup d’etat in Honduras. In one of the first tests of the new Obama Administration, many hoped for a change of course, away from the old cold War framing of Latin American political; realities. But AlterNet column…

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 Seeking to find the real Hugo Chavez, filmmaker Oliver Stone (Platoon, Born on the 4th of July, JFK) traveled to Venezuela with a film crew and ended up talking with other left-leaing new South American presidents, such as Bolivia’s Evo Morales a…

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Despite the ominous mood of much of the country, the 1988 Democratic presidential nominee, former governor Michael Dukakis remains optimistic. In this interview, he talks about Obama and Afghanistan, energy and enviromental policy, the Tea Party moveme…

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Republicans are backed into a corner, so watch out! All Democrats support imposing major reforms on how the financial sector does business. But no Republicans. Burt discusses the status with Robert Creamer, political strategist who helped President Oba…

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As the Israelis stole Scott Harmann’s cell phone, there were some audio difficulties. Butlisten in and you get a clear picture of the mission of the Free Gaza Flotilla, and what it was like on the high seas when the IDF attacked.

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Exoneration: the Rosenberg Sobell Case in the 21st Century is a soon-to-be publiched book by David Alman, who with his late wife Emily wasw deeply involved nearly 60 years ago. Howard Zinn said this book “raises challenges to the justice system in our …

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Tar sands are the worlds dirtiest, most climate destroying oil. In what looks to be the largest industrial project in human history, ExxonMobil has begun its tar sands mining project in Alberta Canada. It requires bulding new roads into the wild to acc…

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