Wanna talk about sex? The 21st century is a different and more free world.

Tim Walz’s Unique Appeal to Young Men’s Masculinity
There’s a mountain of electoral gold which, for the first time, is being mined: graduates of regional public universities. Many of them men. Colleges with “state” in their name. Our guest Washington Monthly editor in chief Paul Glastris talks about

White Male Supremacists Fear and Hate it But “Romance” and Nuclear Families Aren’t the Only Option
We assume our picture of romance and marriage has always been there, but according to our guest author and professor Sabrina Strings, it was invented in the 12th century as a myth about Sir Lancelot. Marriage was about power, domination,
AntiChoice: In A Hole, Keeps Digging
They wanted to stop abortions, instead there were more after the Dobbs decision than before. One the first segment, Mother Jones magazine writer Julianne McShane tells how women are maintaining their reproductive rights despite the attacks. And on the second

Gender Identity: Is it Fixed or Changeable?
They claim loudly they’re protecting freedom and innocent children, but the truth is the right is oppressing both. On this show psychoanalyst Avgi Saketopoulou, co-author of Gender Without Identity, argues there is not one true and immutable authentic identity with
The Rise and Stunning Fall of “Moms for Liberty”
It’s so much easier to break things than to build them. The right wing group Moms for Liberty claimed that “Parental rights do not stop at the classroom door,” but their real goal was to destroy public education. On this

How Do We Form Our Gender Identity & Can It Change Over Time?
They claim loudly they’re protecting freedom and innocent children, but the truth is the right is oppressing both. On this show psychoanalyst Avgi Saketopoulou, co-author of Gender Without Identity, argues there is not one true immutable authentic identity with which

Black and Queer on Campus//Still A Ways to Go on Women’s Day
On the first half Wellesley Professor of American Studies and author Michael P. Jeffries talks about his new book Black and Queer on Campus, the unexpected possibilities and challenges which remain. And on part two, noted feminist Amanda Marcotte talks

Profitable Panic: Busting Sex Workers at Qatar World Cup
At the World Cup and other global sporting events, all kinds of workers are exploited. And under the guise of rescue and saving souls involved in the sex trade, evangelical, business interests, politicians, and police make out quite well. Harm

The Right Fears and Hates the Reality of Non-Binary Gender ID
Author Kathryn Bond Stockton argues in her new book Gender(s) that obvious genital distinctions are in reality incomplete. When children are born, it’s like parents “lower a cone over the baby,” imposing an identity without consent and even ignoring other

Being Gay, Brown, and Immigrant
Even in safe spaces for gay men, there is subtle racism and stratification if one is not white. On this show, Professor Anthony Ocampo talks about his new book Brown and Gay in LA, including pressures from Mexican and Filipino

Sex Classifications Are There to Serve The State
In theory, the state in a republic serves its citizens. Traditional conservatives insist they want government out of such things as sex. Our guest today Professor Paisley Currah in his new book Sex is as Sex Does, Governing Transgender Identity

Simplistic Binary Genders is Oppressive Cultural Fortification
“‘Opposite sex’ is a phantom concept—nobody lives it.” So says our guest author Kathryn Bond Stockton. Her new book Gender(s) argues that what seem like obvious genital distinctions are in reality incomplete. When children are born, it’s like parents “lower

How TV, Movies, and Social Media Maintain Invisible Sexism
Unless it’s a spectacle, we don’t see it on screens. But as our guest author Andrea Press spells out in her new co-authored book Media-Ready Feminism and Everyday Sexism, everyday sexism is just accepted. The Me Too movement originated in

Simplistic Binary Genders is Cultural Fortification and Wrong
“‘Opposite sex’ is a phantom concept—nobody lives it.” So says our guest author Kathryn Bond Stockton. Her new book Gender(s) argues that what seem like obvious genital distinctions are in reality incomplete. When children are born, it’s like parents “lower

Sexual Assault in the Military: Foxes Guarding the Henhouse
Women in the military know they are more likely to be attacked by men of their own company than by an enemy. It’s been a long tradition that reports of sexual abuse are crushed. Commanders protecting their own reputation takes

Why is Sexual Freedom So Frightening?
The nuclear family, white hetero male dominance and control is not the only way it can be. Why can we can have firearms freedom but not sexual freedom? On this show, Janet Jakobsen professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Black and Indian, Kamala Harris: A New Mandate?
She is exactly what Trumpists hate: a strong woman who is both black and Indian. Both groups were the subjects of white male dominance and control. American slavery and British rule over India both had their peak at the same

Trump Weaponizing the Courts Without Our Consent
No matter how soon Trump goes away, all Americans will feel the effects of his judicial appointments for decades to come. He’s going around legislatures and using the power of the presidency to undo hard fought battles for reproductive, sexual

Out of the Closet to Be Policed?
Watch TV and see the roles we’re all supposed to play. Since 2015, marriage equality has been the law of the land but the characters portrayed on TV shows actually serve as law enforcement, limiting freedom in a very real

Sinclair News Sneaking In//Right Wing Men and Sex
We all know the impact Fox News has had on politics and government. Now comes Sinclair with its alt-right slant and their clever way to your local TV without becoming a network. Media analyst John Kosinski sheds light into their

Same Sex Marriage: Making it Better For All?
Far from the fears right wingers had that same sex marriage would be a threat to the institution, lawyer Elizabeth Schwartz who specializes in the field, argues same sex marriage may actually strengthen the institution. Too many people go into

Harm to Kids from Authoritarian Control
Is there a worse crime than child abuse? Is the complicity by knowing adults just as bad? Is there something about the very nature of authoritarianism in schools? Guest on this show lived through an atmosphere of abuse in a

Same Sex Marriage May Strengthen Marriage
Marriage and family law used to be so simple: men ruled, period. But with the expansion of what a family means, a whole world of potential legal issues comes up. There can be friendly, not scary, contracts, explains guest Martha
Money and Sex: 1) What Can be Done about Wealth Inequality, 2)Fundamentalist Men Obsession with Sex
On the first half, Chuck Collins, co-founder of Wealth for the Common Good, talks about the effects of extreme wealth on democracy and public health and what can be done about it. And on part two, journalist Amanda Marcotte discusses a recent home-scho…
Sex, No. Guns, Yes. The Right’s Values.
Why is it that families need to be shielded from sexuality but the nation needs more and more guns? In the wake of the Aurora theatre massacre, the Republican Party/gun lobby still sees no need to have any discussion about the proliferation of assault …
Feminism Now
It’s been part of American culture since the sixties. On this show we look into how feminism has evolved, with author Anna David, whose new book Falling for Me is experiencing brisk sales.
We know what it was back then, but what does feminism me…
Centrality of Sexuality for the Populist Right
Michelle Goldberg, author of Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism, and The Means of Reproduction: Sex, Power, and the Future of the World certainly knows her stuff. On this show, the columnist for The Daily Beast talks about what she’ know…
Female Sexuality: Terror to Republicans
The Republicans in power are terrified. Their deep fear of female sexuality is what’s really behind their attacks on Planned Parenthood and marriage equality. They actually see feamle sexuality as a subversive force that needs to be strictly controlled…
You Thought You Knew The Tea Party?
In this revealing interview, author David Rosen looks at what really drives the Tea Party. It’s not just the fiscal insurrectionists, angry formerly middle class Americans. And it’s not just the oligarchs who fund the movement for their own benefit eit…
CA’s Anti-Gay Marriage Prop 8 Overturned: Wide Ramifications
Equal marriage supporters are celebrating, sure. But reproductive rights are also affected by Judge Vaughn Walker’s recent decision overturning California’s Proposition 8, which had banned same sex marriages. What lies ahead for equal marriage rights? …