Drug War

New Powerful Populism
It’s been with us since before America’s founding. Now, as more and more of us demand a direction different from rule by the wealthiest few, the word populism is coming back into vogue. As Campaign for America’s Future’s Isaiah Poole

Why and How We Should Legalize Psychedelics
Psychedelics hold enormous potential for understanding the human mind, so why is it kept illegal? A recent study in the Journal of Psychopharmacology notes that some 30 million Americans have tried LSD and other drugs to no ill health effects. On this show former United Church of Christ minister George Zilliac discusses the spiritual benefits of the careful use of LSD and other similar substances.
The Surprising Power of Millennials/Marijuana Laws: Also Big on November 4th
Freedom is very appealing. Especially in the case of over zealous and ill focused police work. On the first part of this show, Benjamin Domenech of The Federalist talks about the mood of the so-called millennials, people born from 1980 to 2000. They de…

Time to Look Seriously At LSD?
Brushed aside for decades, a recent conference of scientists focused on the potential uses of LSD and other psychedelics. On this show, guest Randolph Hencken of Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies talks about Psychedelic Science for …
What Interests are Fighting Cannabis Legalization?
Public support for legalizing and regulating marijuana/cannabis is growing quickly. But most politicians remain wary of such a change. Why? Who is behind the various efforts to keep it illegal? On this show, guest is Sarah Bryner, data analyst for the …
After 73 Years of Prohibition, an Overnight Shift Toward Legal Cannabis
Political candidates used to send their checks back to NORML, the National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws. Now lawmakers and wannabes are beating a path to the door of Executive Director Allen St.Pierre. Suddenly, after decades of tryi…
The Real Meaning of What is Today Called Christmas
The cultural and politicval far right claims there’s a war on Christmas. Of course it’s nonsense. The holiday has been with us for hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus and only morphed into what we see today as Christmas in the last century or s…
Psycho-Political Changes Happening//Defeating the Tea Party-Confederates
The personal is political. On part one, Dr Asoka Banderage delves into changes needed for sustainability at both the psychological and the political level. Her new book is Sustainability and Well-Being: The Middle Path to Environment, Society, and the …
A New Approach to Education. Something’s Got to Change.
Across America there’s a lot of concern for the state of public education. Dumbing down, unequal funding, increased student depression and anxiety, teaching for tests. Something has got to change. Dr Peter Grey, research professor of psychology at Bost…
Report From Psychedelic Science 2013 Conference
Heroin and smoking addiction.The huge challenges of treating PTSD. The moral and spiritual impacts of psychedelics on humans and society. These are some of the topics addressed by nearly 2000 participants, including over 100 of the world’s lead…
The Real, Pre-Christian, Meaning of Christmas
While some argue Christmas is really a religious Christian holiday, that’s just not the case. On this show, Burt’s guest is the Reverend Selena Fox, a Wiccan priestess, interfaith minister, environmentalist, Pagan elder, author, and lecturer in…
Legal MJ in Colorado and Washington/ Constitutional Rights Under Obama?
Who would have ever thought it would take this long? The states of Washington and Colorado on November 6th voted to legalize recreational use of marijuana. How did it happen, how can the good sense spread? And on the second half hour, the state of our …
The Beginning of the End of Marijuana Prohibition?
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo calls for decriminalizing open posession of up to an ounce of marijuana. Law enforcement veterans of the war are urging an end to the bloody prohibition. A prominent federal judge calls for legalization of medical marijua…
Young People In Wall Street or On Wall Street: Look to Parenting
The first guest, Toni Nagy, says “everyone who works for Wall Street has mommy and daddy issues.” The Salon and Huffington Post columnist looks to how we parent the curent generation as a major factor if we want more young citizens who are not just con…
Are Americans A Broken People?
Compared to other western nations, Americans seem more accepting of our own powerlessness over institutions that run our lives. Psychologist Bruce Levine, author of Get Up, Stand Up: Uniting Populists, Energizing the Defeated, and Battling the Corpor…
Owsley is Gone. A New Future for LSD?
Owsley, the man who provided high quality LSD to the Grateful Dead and untold thousands of others, recently died in a car crash. Today, some 45 years after its then-legal popularization, there is renewed interest in what today’s guest psychiatris…
Not If, But When Marijuana Will Be Legal
It couldn’t have been a tougher election year, but California’s Proposition 19, which would have legalized recreational use of marijuana for adults, very nearly won. Stephen Gutwillig is that state’s director of the Drug Policy Alliance, and on this se…
The Importance of California’s Prop 19
On November 2nd, Californians will vote on ending prohibition of marjuana. Burt’s guest is Hanna Liebman Dershowitz, an attorney in Los Angeles, co-chair of the Proposition 19 legal subcommittee. It’s an intense struggle with ramifications for the enti…