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EnergyIsrael & PalestineJusticeNational PolicyPodcastReligionWar

A hundred were killed in a peaceful rally in Ankara: who did it and why? It seems to have been ISIS, which our ally, the Erdogan government of Turkey, is actually helping. meanwhile our enemy, Putin’s Russia is helping to

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JusticeNational PolicyPodcastSocialismWar

The truth is finally out: Put in power and protected by Henry Kissinger, it is just now revealed that Chile’s Dictator General Pinochet personally directed the assassination of two on Embassy Row in Washington DC. And while President George W

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EnergyGunsIsrael & PalestineJusticeNational PolicyPodcastWar

Despite the fact that the US inadvertently created ISIS and is still arming the wrong people, and despite the fact that the US and Russia seem to be on opposite sides, Ambassador Peter Galbraith argues the region is on a

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CultureEconomyEducationEnvironmentGunsJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismTake ActionWar

American Exceptionalism: it’s beyond mere national pride, it is an insistence that we are above the normal rules and that we are God’s gift to the world. Of course if we know someone who feels this way about him or

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GunsJusticeNational PolicyPodcastTake ActionWar

Recently released emails reveal that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton enabled the success of the military coup in Honduras in 2009 which overthrew a democratically elected president. Why should we care? It was the same old American heavy-handedness which creates

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CultureEducationFiscal PolicyJusticePodcastPopulismTake ActionTaxes

Started under Reagan in 1983, the drive to put public education in the hands of for-profit interests has greatly weakened education, done real harm to thousands of kids, and weakened our real national security. Today’s guest is John Kuhn who

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CultureEducationGunsJusticePodcastPopulismTake ActionTaxesWar

We’re all familiar with 1776. But before the actual separation from England, there was revolution across the land. The spirit of 1774 was focused on class-blind democracy and a lot of what happened then, with powerful actions from the grassroots

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CultureEconomyGunsIsrael & PalestineJusticeNational PolicyPodcastRacismReligionSocialismWarWomen

We’ve all seen the images: refugees crammed in rubber rafts, mobbed trains, young children drowned in the seas. Hundreds of thousands are leaving war zones in hopes of a better life. But in Europe there are those who want to

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CultureEducationGunsJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismTake Action

What was the actual intent of America’s founders? The far right has too often gotten away with claiming the mantle of the values of America’s founders. Even Glenn Beck has stolen the title of Thomas Paine’s 1776 pamphlet Common Sense

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EconomyEducationGunsJusticeNational PolicyPodcastRacismWomen

As the worlds number one jailer,  Americans are finally starting to pay attention to our unique mass incarceration. Author James Kilgore knows about the issue from the inside. His new book is Mass Incarceration: A People’s Guide to the Key

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CultureGunsJusticeNational PolicyPodcastRacismTake Action

Ferguson. Staten Island. Even small town cops are armed like soldiers. The list of disturbing and excessive police violence is lengthy. How did we get here? How is it that the militarization of police has become so widespread across America?

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EnergyEnvironmentFiscal PolicyGunsIsrael & PalestineJusticeNational PolicyPodcastReligionTake ActionTaxesWarWomen

Republican presidential wannabes fall over themselves to see who can hate Iran the most. And of course, ISIS is despicable. Yet with all their state run beheadings and human rights abuses, somehow Saudi Arabia remains America’s best Arab ally. Guest

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CultureJusticeNational PolicyPodcastTake ActionWar

Just three days after Malaysian flight MH-17 was shot down near the Ukraine Russian border, Secretary of State Kerry had all the answers. Renowned former CIA analyst Ray McGovern is convinced the secretary of state did not so much inform

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Israel & PalestineJusticePodcastTake ActionTaxesWarWomen

Would any other country have gotten away with it? It might be best called Israeli Exceptionalism. After a 51 day war on the Gaza Strip, more than 2,200 Palestinians died and the infrastructure was devastated. Seventy seven Israelis died, all

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CultureEconomyEnergyEnvironmentFiscal PolicyJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismTake ActionTaxes

We’ve all seen the results of economics imposed from the top down. Sometimes it works well, other times we’ve seen communities devastated as a result of this process. But in Cincinnati, there’s an idea taken largely from success in the

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EducationGunsIsrael & PalestineJusticeNational PolicyPodcastRacismReligionSocialismTake ActionWar

Trading land for peace. Overwhelming military force. Drawn out negotiations. Compromises on this or that. None of it has worked nor can it when it comes to creating a sustainable peace in the Israel/Palestine region. Viewing the decades long crisis

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CultureEducationIsrael & PalestineJusticeNational PolicyPodcastRacismSocialismTake ActionWar

Most of the world seems to think that the State of Israel and Judaism are one and the same. They are not. Where Judaism is thousands of years old and lived for peace with Muslims and Christians in what Rabbi

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