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Stormy Daniels and the Russia investigation grab all the headlines about Trump, but his flagrant violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution is the best chance to get him removed. “Emoluments?” Our first guest journalist Julia Conley explains

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EnergyJusticePodcastProtests & Resistance

Much of the national agenda is enacted at the state level. The popular protests of The Dakota Access Pipeline scared the crap out of oil companies and they are using something called ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) to draft cookie-cutter

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Immigrants under Trump are painted as the dangerous “Others.” Yet despite the successful campaign of fear, the reality is immigrants are more likely to be good hard working, law abiding citizens than Americans as a whole. Journalist Arnold “Skip”Isaacs, who

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The pervasive myth of kids just needing “grit” and lifting themselves up by their own bootstraps is false and is doing real harm.Our guest today Linda Nathan spent fourteen years as founder and co-headmaster of Boston Arts Academy, Boston’s only

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A group of families of  Americans killed in Iraq have filed a lawsuit against many big pharmaceutical companies who allegedly paid bribes to Mahdi forces who killed family members. USA Today correspondent Aamer Madhani investigated and reports  that the Iraqi

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Follow the money. We’ve heard this so often and it remains the best way to discover the source of social problems. Too often, we blame the victims, the people who through no fault of their own, become addicted to pain

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On April 19, 1995 Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols killed Bud Welch’s 23 year old daughter Julie and 167 others in that infamous bombing. At first he wanted revenge, then he actually met with McVeigh’s father. Welch calls him the

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Careers of good people have been destroyed in the pursuit of political gain. It goes on today but got its real start by the very smart ambitious Congressman Richard Nixon nearly seventy years ago. In her new book Alger Hiss:

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Israel & PalestineJusticeNational PolicyPodcastProtests & ResistanceRacism

It took a long time but Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions worked to end South African Apartheid. Now powerful forces are working in the US congress to penalize businesses and individuals who express support for BDS against the State of Israel.

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Celebrated in 45 states, a lot of people don’t know about Juneteenth. It was the day in 1865 when formerly enslaved people learned of the Emancipation Proclamation. But what kind of freedom was it then and where is it today?

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CultureJusticePodcastProtests & ResistanceTrumpWar

He published The Realist from 1958-2001. A magazine of satire that afflicted the powers that were. Paul Krassner along with Abbie Hoffman launched the Yippies to inspire young people in the late 60s, mixing rock and roll with politics. And

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You can’t incarcerate people into mental health. Prisons are a very old concept and it’s time to ask: Do they accomplish the goals for which they were created? What can we do with dangerous people if we do away with

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GunsJusticePodcastProtests & ResistanceTake ActionTrump

In the American war on drugs, the Mexican drug cartels work hand in glove with the  federal, state, and local police. Most of the guns used in the tens of thousands of killings in recent years come from (guess where)

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Tax breaks for capital gains are a form of class privilege. So says history of US capitalism professor Julia Ott. It’s better public relations for Southern senators than outright Jim Crow, but taxing capital gains less than ordinary income was

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JusticeNational PolicyPodcastRacismTrump

Imagine your very existence being seen as proof of guilt. The blatantly racist anti-immigrant policies Trump is known for did not originate with him. In fact, as our guest Avi Chomsky, professor of history and coordinator of Latin American, Latino,

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Franklin Roosevelt understood that to be successful at defeating foreign threats, reliance on military power alone was insufficient. In this discussion from 2012 with David Woolner, Senior Fellow at the Roosevelt Institute looks beyond the presidential candidates of the day

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JusticePodcastProtests & ResistanceRacismWar

It was the beginning of a 50 year split among liberals. Those in power, President Johnson in particular, wanted to relegate Dr. Martin Luther King to his safe civil rights leader role. But boldly, Dr. King spoke out against imperialism

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CultureJusticePodcastTake ActionTrumpWomen

The right wing depends for its power on people not reading. Books have always been subversive. They lead to critical thinking. On the first part of this show, Ken Gloss,  proprietor of the internationally renowned Brattle Book Shop talks about

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CultureEducationGunsJusticePodcastPopulismProtests & ResistanceRacismWarWomen

“Just following orders” is no defense. In a democracy we assume that individuals in society will take personal responsibility and disobey immoral commands. But as many experiments have shown, people rarely question orders from authorities. Our guest on this show

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JusticePodcastPopulismProtests & ResistanceRacismTake ActionTrump

Liberals were shocked by the outcome of the 2016 election. As they were in 1920 when Republicans put up Warren Harding, a big business Republican who campaigned and won on an America First message, stoking the public’s fear of immigrants

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EnvironmentJusticeNational PolicyPodcastProtests & ResistanceTake Action

Asleep in her home the night of March 2, 2016, Berta Caceres was murdered. The military police of Honduras are suspected. But the government failed to stop her work: there are many more Berta Carcereses today. A government getting much

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CultureJusticeNational PolicyRacism of us believe what we were taught in elementary school: that enslaved blacks were freed by the Civil War. The truth is far grimmer. In this gripping discussion (recorded during Obama’s term) Douglas Blackmon, author of Slavery by Another

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CultureEducationJusticePodcastPopulismTake Action

Sometimes citizens must break the law to uphold the law. History shows that sometimes patriotic resisting requires taking personal risks. But how to determine which risks are worth it and will yield the results we want? For a long time,

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CultureGunsJusticePodcastPopulismRacismReligionTake ActionTrumpWar

Over 3,000 prominent scientists, musicians, religious leaders, intellectuals, artists, actors, and others signed on to a full page ad in the January 4 New York Times, with the bold letters, “NO! In the name of humanity, we REFUSE to accept

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CultureEnergyEnvironmentJusticeNational PolicyPodcastProtests & ResistanceRacismReligionTake ActionWar

Indigenous Americans for over 300 years have been treated as invisible; treaties and promises routinely ignored. Mainstream media ignored it as long as they could for fear of upsetting advertisers but pressure kept building and, surprise: the water protectors put

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CultureEconomyJusticePodcastPopulismRacismSocialismTake Action

Most of us thought Right to Work was a 20th century scheme to destroy collective bargaining rights. According to Cedric DeLeon, author of The Origins of Right To Work: AntiLabor Democracy in 19th Century Chicago, it started out as a

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CultureJusticePodcastTake ActionWomen

Trump won’t do it; time now to push Obama to bring justice to a grave injustice. When guest on this show Robert Meeropol was six his mother Ethel Rosenberg was put to death. Knowing she was innocent, our government held

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With the election of Donald Trump, there’s talk of secession in California. But have we ever really been one nation? Certainly not.  Colin Woodard, author of the acclaimed book “American Nations,” reveals a history of eleven rival regional nations and

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CultureEconomyEducationFiscal PolicyJusticeNational PolicyPodcastRacismSocialismTake ActionTaxes

Generally American cites are dumped on: Budgets cut, services eliminated, schools ignored. But 80% of us live in cities and despite the pressure from uncaring financial interests and their politicians, we are close to a tipping point where an urban

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CultureEconomyEducationEnvironmentJusticePodcastPopulismRacismTake ActionWomen

It was a disastrous day for Democrats. Senior strategist and media advisor to the Bernie Sanders Campaign Mark Longabaugh (remember that great “America” ad?)talks about opportunities ahead for traditional liberal Democrats. He argues Trump’s victory was less about hate and

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