
What is the World Bank Doing?/Self-Blame In Economic Difficulty
Their mission is to help the developing world but Bruce Rich, author of the new book Foreclosing the Future reveals they may still be profiting but the World Bank is continuing to worsen poverty and the environment. And on part

The Place for Change: New Governors
All the focus seems to be on the Trump presidency, meanwhile the vast majority of governors in the 50 states are Republican. States have been called the laboratories of democracy. Here’s where we can make a big difference, not just

What America’s Left/Populists Have Won
While the left has had very few actual electoral victories, author Michael Kazin argues it has very effectively changed the nation. The author of “A Godly Hero: William Jennings Bryan,” talks about his book “American Dreamers.” What’s gone right and

Use of Fear For Political Gain: Nixon Started It in 1948
Careers of good people have been destroyed in the pursuit of political gain. It goes on today but got its real start by the very smart ambitious Congressman Richard Nixon nearly seventy years ago. In her new book Alger Hiss:

Free Speech Threatened By Anti-BDS Bill
Now and in the future, if certain opinions are not popular with the government in power, they can be prosecuted. Under the current bill S 720, which actually has Democratic sponsors, if a person even inquires about which companies may

Has All America Become Kansas? Chances for Democrats in 2018
Author of the acclaimed “What’s The Matter with Kansas?” Thomas C Frank discusses the outlook for Democrats in 2018. he says that clearly some in the elite would rather lose than change. On one hand he points out that establishment

An Actual Coup in America: Democrats in 1944
In the long held American tradition of opposition to colonialism and a government serving the common good, FDR’s vice president Henry A Wallace was an outstanding visionary. Then a corrupt political machine performed a bloodless coup at the 1944 Democratic

Our Closest Allies Hurt Most By New Anti-Russia Sanctions
Our most reliable allies in Western Europe are the ones most hurt by the new sanctions passed by congress and supported by the president. Europe depends on pipelines from Russia for their energy. Under the new law, any company doing

Sinclair News Sneaking In//Right Wing Men and Sex
We all know the impact Fox News has had on politics and government. Now comes Sinclair with its alt-right slant and their clever way to your local TV without becoming a network. Media analyst John Kosinski sheds light into their

Worse Than The First NAFTA//How Progressives Can Win in the South
And you thought the first NAFTA was bad. Trump’s new version puts the globalist corporations squarely in the drivers seat, never mind local or state laws. Food labeling? Forget about it. The crucial work that bees perform? Again forget about

The “Civil War” Re-Examined: It Set Back Civil Rights
No side won, America lost. The so-called civil war (a civil war is a fight to take over the government; this was not) was America’s biggest failure, started by radical evangelicals on both sides. Lincoln was not the president of

Redefining “Smart” in the Smart Machine Age
Millions of jobs will be eliminated because artificial intelligence is smarter than we are in many ways. We humans therefore face a serious and historic new challenge. What must we do to endure? According to our guest, author Edward Hess,

America Better Off Broken Apart?
No one in their right mind would ever think the Soviet Union would suddenly break down into its component parts. Then it did. Clearly America is more divided now than since the 1861 war against Southern independence. Many would argue

BDS at 12: The Fight Against it Shows It’s Working
It took a long time but Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions worked to end South African Apartheid. Now powerful forces are working in the US congress to penalize businesses and individuals who express support for BDS against the State of Israel.

Is the Democratic Party Determined to Keep Losing?
The Democratic Party has been compared to a doomsday cult: no matter how thoroughly their assumptions are refuted by reality, they just dig in deeper, with devastating consequences for America and the world. They rejected the most powerful candidate in

America’s Founders on “Independence” Today
Independence day: It’s not just about choice of things to buy and consume. Recovering corporate CEO and Huffington Post columnist Richard Eskow on this show shines a light on just how far we’ve veered from what the founders meant by

US Pilots As Bait in War With Syria
In the 21st century, it seems every new war is a “humanitarian intervention.” Our guest on this show, Jim Kavanagh of Counterpunch defines that as just more “missionary imperialism.” As the US quickly ramps up its war against the government

A New Consideration of Uses of LSD
LSD has long been feared. No question, it is uniquely powerful. But does it have potentially uniquely powerful benefits as well? On this program, Dr. Phil Wolfson delves into many aspects of the substance; the foolhardiness of the drug war,

The Right Took Over the Republican Party; Liberals Can Learn from Them//A War The West Can’t Win
Millennials would make a big mistake to give up on the Democratic Party. There is proof that liberals are successfully taking it back from the corrupt corporate wing. On the first half, In These Times staff writer Theo Anderson specifies

Truth as an Effective Political Weapon: Corbyn//Use Public Money to Fund Public Projects
Is truth still the first casualty of politics? Not in the UK, where Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn stunned PM Teresa May. He dared to tell the truth; authenticity works. So says Marc Weisbrot of the Economic and Policy Research Center. And

More Than Just Hacking; We’ve Become Like The Soviets
As we are bombarded by endless news about Russian hacking, interfering with our democracy, a more subtle yet equally serious concern is how much we have become like our former enemy. What we value most of all about The United

Kill It To Save It
The forces currently in power may actually believe that by killing democracy they are saving America. Or they may just be driven by simple greed. In his new book: Kill It to Save It; An Autopsy of Capitalism’s Triumph Over

Yippies, Satire, and Fake News: Paul Krassner Today
He published The Realist from 1958-2001. A magazine of satire that afflicted the powers that were. Paul Krassner along with Abbie Hoffman launched the Yippies to inspire young people in the late 60s, mixing rock and roll with politics. And

Truth is the Beliefs of the Strong: Trump and 1984
How dangerous is it that Americans are adjusting to truths changing by the hour? What is official truth now may not be so tomorrow. It’s all up to Trump’s White House. We mere citizens must accept and believe the dictate

Prisons Don’t Work; How To Do Better
You can’t incarcerate people into mental health. Prisons are a very old concept and it’s time to ask: Do they accomplish the goals for which they were created? What can we do with dangerous people if we do away with

American Guns Mean Mexican Slaughter
In the American war on drugs, the Mexican drug cartels work hand in glove with the federal, state, and local police. Most of the guns used in the tens of thousands of killings in recent years come from (guess where)

Is Trump a Threat to National Security//What is Net Neutrality?
Imagine being an intelligence professional. At great personal risk, you gather information crucial to America’s security. Then you have to share that information with the president. How would you feel when he blithely give those secrets to the Russians, of

Military Worship Threatens Our Democracy
Who better than a military person to talk about the dangers of what he sees as a worship of all things military? Major Danny Sjursen commanded troops in Afghanistan and Iraq and here talks about his deep concern about military,

On the Ground in Yemen: Famine Approaches
What can winning look like if the nation is decimated in the process? Sara Tesorieri speaks to us from Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, where she is working with the Norwegian Refugee Council to provide desperately needed humanitarian aid. The