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CultureGunsNational PolicyPodcastPopulismSocialismWar

In the Christmas Truce at the beginning of what was then The Great War, and other lesser know fraternizing between “enemies,” it took courage to question the madness. Still today, Christmas is the one day of peace, while we feel

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EnergyGunsNational PolicyPodcastReligionTake ActionWar

All the presidential contenders and all of Washington’s top brains repeatedly call for the wealthy Arab states to lead the war on ISIS. Why aren’t they doing it? Former State Department whistle-blower Peter Van Buren explains why.

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CultureJusticePodcastTake ActionWomen

The ice princess, the black widow. Since the circus of a trial on 1990, Pam Smart has remained in jail with a sentence worse than for Charles Manson. It was a made-for-the-movies spectacle in which the judge said he wanted

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CultureEconomyFiscal PolicyJusticePodcastPopulism

When the combined power of the Troika–European Central Bank, European Commission, and the International Monetary Fund–puts the squeeze of austerity on places like Spain and Portugal, a lot of people feel severe economic pain. But in the Iberian countries, they

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GunsJusticePopulismRacismReligionTake ActionWomen

Talk about threats to democracy and to America itself: The Trump phenomenon is blatantly racist, xenophobic, and fascist, more and more from both parties are recognizing this. Does Trump give voice to what many Americans secretly feel? In this discussion,

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CultureEconomyEnvironmentFiscal PolicyJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismTake ActionWomen

Chuck Collins, founder of Wealth for the Common Good and senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies talks about the new report on the top .01 percent and the impact on our democracy. They are not job creators as

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CultureNational PolicyPodcastRacismWar

Of course President Roosevelt knew the Japanese would do something, their oil had been cut off, yet we can conclude he did not know about the specific attack. What no one expected was the transformation of America from a nation

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National PolicyPodcastTake ActionWar

The mainstream media paints a simple picture: Turkey was merely defending itself. But America’s ally, Turkey’s Erdogan, sees his greatest enemy as the Kurds as he works behind the scenes with ISIS. He doesn’t want Russia attacking ISIS and its

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EducationEnergyNational PolicyPodcastReligionTake ActionWar

On the first half, international relations and military history professor Andrew Bacevich on why western belligerence can not be successful against ISIS, and suggests what can work. And on part two, there is a move to once again prohibit those

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GunsIsrael & PalestineJusticeNational PolicyPodcastRacismReligionWar

The horror of ISIS terrorism today grew from the “peace” imposed by the most powerful Western nations on the former Ottoman Empire at the finish of the first world war, a war that never ended. Many more civilians were killed

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EconomyJusticePodcastTake Action

SuperPACs are one of the greatest threats to what remains of democracy in the USA. These slippery legal entities circumvent campaign finance laws and enable huge money to own government and elections. The founders idea of democracy is destroyed by

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CultureEducationJusticePodcastSexualityTake ActionWomen

Is there a worse crime than child abuse? Is the complicity by knowing adults just as bad? Is there something about the very nature of authoritarianism in schools? Guest on this show lived through an atmosphere of abuse in a

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CultureEducationEnvironmentFiscal PolicyNational PolicyPodcastPopulismRacismTake ActionWomen

For decades police have gotten away with murder. Thanks to cell phones, today they’re getting caught. And they are fighting back, actually threatening such people as Quentin Tarantino. On the first half, guest Travis Morales of Rise Up October and

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CultureEducationJusticeNational PolicyPodcastRacismReligionTake Action

Of course America is a mosaic of cultures, and all citizens are equally American. But since 9/11, South Asian, Arab, Muslim, and Sikh Americans have been routinely harassed and often bullied and terrorized, often by actual government policies. People are

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CultureJusticeNational PolicyPodcastTake ActionWar

In their chilling and intense new novel Broken! , authors Michael Kearns (who taught “enhanced interrogation”) and Ronald Solomon, former TV producer and creator, paint a vivid picture of a world only slightly different from today, filled with swarms of

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CultureEconomyEducationFiscal PolicyJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismRacismSocialismTake Action

While the left has had very few actual electoral victories, author Michael Kazin argues it has very effectively changed the nation. The author of “A Godly Hero: William Jennings Bryan,” talks about his new book “American Dreamers.” What’s gone right

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Israel & PalestineJusticeNational PolicyPodcastReligionWar started out so promising: peaceful revolutions for self-determination. From Tunisia through Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, and of course Syria. Now Tunisia is the only stable secular democracy, and on this show author and professor Rebecca Gordon sheds light on

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GunsIsrael & PalestineJusticeNational PolicyPodcastReligionWar

It started out so promising: peaceful revolutions for self-determination. From Tunisia through Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, and of course Syria. Now Tunisia is the only stable secular democracy, and on this show author and professor Rebecca Gordon sheds light on

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GunsIsrael & PalestineJusticeNational PolicyPodcastReligionWar

It started out so promising: peaceful revolutions for self-determination. From Tunisia through Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, and of course Syria. Now Tunisia is the only stable secular democracy, and on this show author and professor Rebecca Gordon sheds light on

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CultureEnergyJusticeNational PolicyPodcastRacismReligionWarWomen

Perpetual war is now widely accepted. Henry Kissinger’s unique apparently amoral approach to assertion of his and America’s power still casts a shadow on America, both domestically and across the world. This new book: Kissinger’s Shadow, The Long Reach of

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EnergyIsrael & PalestineJusticeNational PolicyPodcastReligionWar

A hundred were killed in a peaceful rally in Ankara: who did it and why? It seems to have been ISIS, which our ally, the Erdogan government of Turkey, is actually helping. meanwhile our enemy, Putin’s Russia is helping to

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JusticeNational PolicyPodcastSocialismWar

The truth is finally out: Put in power and protected by Henry Kissinger, it is just now revealed that Chile’s Dictator General Pinochet personally directed the assassination of two on Embassy Row in Washington DC. And while President George W

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CultureEconomyEducationFiscal PolicyNational PolicyPodcastRacismTake ActionWomen

You may have thought our schools, at least the better ones, successfully tackled the problem of institutional racism. But in this surprising new study, well-established assumptions based on style of clothes, culture, and, really, skin color serve to keep down

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CultureFiscal PolicyPodcastPopulismSocialismWomen

There are a lot of similarities and differences: They are both men over 65 but England’s Jeremy Corbyn is a traditional Labourite leftist while Bernie Sanders is an all-American left-leaning Democratic populist. But both campaigns earned their descriptions as political

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CultureEconomyEnergyNational PolicyPodcastPopulism

The Tea Party these days looks with fondness to the 19th century as a time of rugged individualism and unemcumbered free markets. As with so many mythic images, reality is exceedingly different. Like corporate personhood? Thank the railroads. Ever notice

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EnergyGunsIsrael & PalestineJusticeNational PolicyPodcastWar

Despite the fact that the US inadvertently created ISIS and is still arming the wrong people, and despite the fact that the US and Russia seem to be on opposite sides, Ambassador Peter Galbraith argues the region is on a

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CultureEconomyEducationEnvironmentGunsJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismTake ActionWar

American Exceptionalism: it’s beyond mere national pride, it is an insistence that we are above the normal rules and that we are God’s gift to the world. Of course if we know someone who feels this way about him or

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GunsJusticeNational PolicyPodcastTake ActionWar

Recently released emails reveal that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton enabled the success of the military coup in Honduras in 2009 which overthrew a democratically elected president. Why should we care? It was the same old American heavy-handedness which creates

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CultureEducationFiscal PolicyJusticePodcastPopulismTake Action

Started under Reagan in 1983, the drive to put public education in the hands of for-profit interests has greatly weakened education, done real harm to thousands of kids, and weakened our real national security. Today’s guest is John Kuhn who

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CultureEducationGunsJusticePodcastPopulismTake ActionWar

We’re all familiar with 1776. But before the actual separation from England, there was revolution across the land. The spirit of 1774 was focused on class-blind democracy and a lot of what happened then, with powerful actions from the grassroots

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