
Pretending Won’t Make Vietnam Go Away
Who cares if the government keeps lying about Vietnam? It was 50 years ago, let’s just forget it. Problem is the effects are very much with us to this day. And the Pentagon is spending $65 million of your money

Should Governments Get Away With Murder?
The government of Spain wants it to all just go away. But over 100,000 civilians were murdered without a trace by the fascist Franco government during and after it’s civil war, and now volunteers are combing through Spanish earth digging

Public Schools: A Threat or Help To Democracy?
There’s been a concerted and largely successful effort from the right in recent years to steer school children away from critical thinking so essential to a functioning democracy. In the drive toward teaching-to-tests and making schools into places where kids

Destroying Democracy: 21st Century Republicans Goal
The title may seem an exaggeration, but it’s not. Republican “solutions” are consistent in their attack not only on the fundamentals which saved capitalism in the New Deal, but also on the very notions of democracy and our republican form

They Don’t Want The Truth Out: Kent State and Vietnam
http://media.blubrry.com/keeping_democracy_alive/www.dropbox.com/s/wrhqbj533d4gocz/Krause_Turse.mp3?dl=0It was 45 years ago May 4th and the powers that be still have reason to keep the truth about Kent State hidden. One part one, Laurel Krause whose sister Allison was gunned down at age 19. She talks about

US Helping ISIS Grow
Who is really behind ISIS (or ISIL) and who is actually fighting them? It’s not who you’d expect. In this revealing interview, the co-founder of Gulf State Analytics Giorgio Cafiero explains what’s really going on in Yemen. And you can’t

New Powerful Populism
It’s been with us since before America’s founding. Now, as more and more of us demand a direction different from rule by the wealthiest few, the word populism is coming back into vogue. As Campaign for America’s Future’s Isaiah Poole

Billionaires Thank You for Paying Their Taxes
You may not love tax day, but for America’s few billionaires, it’s like Christmas and you are Santa Claus. Billionaire Warren Buffett knows it’s wrong that his secretary pays a much higher share of her income than he does. And

Strange Convergence: Lynching’s Link
One sang about lynchings, the other was lynched by the government. With the 100th anniversary of their births, the linkage between Billie Holiday and Ethel Rosenberg is discussed with Robert Meeropol, who was six when his parents were put to

African Lives Didn’t Matter/Same Old Neo-Cons at it Again
We’ve all heard the phrase: “Never Again.” Well it did happen again, in Rwanda between 800,000 and one million died in the genocide of 1994. An international conference of world leaders met and just issued their report. Emily Willard, of

Afghanistan: Now It’s Our Vietnam
When the Soviet Union got bogged down in Afghanistan, it was called Russia’s Vietnam. After the local forces beat them, in 2001 we came in. And again despite massive treasure and blood, we can’t win. So says noted Afghan adviser

The TPP – Sky of Democracy Really is Falling
No exaggeration: America’s sovereignty, our democracy itself, is under serious jeopardy by the Trans-Pacific Partnership. You haven’t heard of it for good reasons: the supra-national interests who stand to gain tremendous new economic and political power have carefully kept it

Our First Amendment: How Secure?
Poetry. Music. That’s how legal scholar and author Burt Neuborne describes it in his new book: Madison’s Music: On Reading the First Amendment. It’s only been secure since the 1950s, he points out. And when people pick it apart in

Netanyahu + Republicans = A Big War?
No question, Netanyahu skillfully used American fear tactics and political operatives to win re-election. In this highly informative discussion with Michael Winship, senior writer for Moyers & Company, it’s clear the same divide and conquer techniques used by the American

Congress of Vienna – Is This Still 1815?
In the face of many wars, the big powers are trying to steer small nations to create their own version of peace. That was the Congress of Vienna 200 years ago and there’s a lot of deja vu, and still

The Republican Budget Can Hurt You: What We Can Do
Generally it seems that people’s eyes glaze over when the subject is the federal budget. This years it’s different. The Republicans are now in control of both the House and the Senate. Their PR machine is calling it “A balanced

Why and How We Should Legalize Psychedelics
Psychedelics hold enormous potential for understanding the human mind, so why is it kept illegal? A recent study in the Journal of Psychopharmacology notes that some 30 million Americans have tried LSD and other drugs to no ill health effects. On this show former United Church of Christ minister George Zilliac discusses the spiritual benefits of the careful use of LSD and other similar substances.

1915-2015 Learn From WWI?
At the depths of the first world war in 1915, about 1200 women from around the world met at The Hague to try to bring an end to that blood drenched disaster. As they celebrate their centennial, there’s much to learn from the past that remains in today’s news, many crucial topics needing attention.

Why Has the Truth About Vietnam Been Buried?
March 8, 2015 marked the 50th anniversary of the first official ground troops landing in Vietnam. Today it’s like a dark family secret, intentionally disappeared from popular memory. It was erased in part by President Reagan who invaded Grenada to restore American Pride. Today the only lesson the government learned from that war is to keep reporters away and to use drones instead of American “boys.”

Extremists? The 20th Century Birch Society is the 21st Century Republican Party
It used to be that when the word “Extremist” came up, the John Birch Society was the first thing you’d think of. Claire Conner was raised by two national leaders of the Birch Society. Her new book is “Wrapped in the Flag,” and she is a dedicated fighter for her country, trying desperately to make Americans realize that the John Birch Society is alive and well, and as she puts it, extremely dangerous. More so now than ever because today it’s called the Republican Party.

A New Approach to Policy on Aging
Every day more than 10,000 people born at the baby boom turn 65. America is not prepared for what today’s guest Ai-Jen Poo calls the “elder boom.” Her just-published book is called The Age of Dignity: Preparing for the Elderly Future in a Changing America.

American Jews Face Israel Reality
It’s very difficult and painful to let go of a dream. For many decades, American Jews have based their identity as Jews on the State of Israel. On this show, Alice Rothchild bravely explores the difficulties Jewish Americans are having with the stark realities of so much injustice and racism in the State of Israel.

Democracy Can Succeed on Climate Change
The corporate polluters want us to just accept our sense of powerlessness. But not only are there real answers, available now, to global climate change, but they can actually be made to happen. Environmental engineer and writer for the Huffington Post, Ellen Moyer on this show offers exceptional insight with realistic solutions. Some of the biggest sources of carbon emissions may surprise you. And we can make them happen, despite moneyed resistance in Washington.

Greatest Movies of 2014. Not the Oscars.
One of the greatest aspects of democracy is artistic freedom. Movie makers put this value to great use. Everyone knows about the Oscars, many of those films have questionable artistic value, often winning because they make a lot of money.

Social Security: It Works And Should Be Expanded
It’s been a huge success now for 80 years. But the right has been attacking Social Security for the last decade. They’re trying to whip up fear among young people that it won’t be there for them. Balderdash.

Can Liz Warren Be Convinced to Run in ’16?
The mainstream media loves her: an attractive insurgent campaign–maybe. But there’s the drama, and the media thrives on drama. On this who Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director of Democracy for America, and Kurt Ehrenberg, state director of Run Warren Run talk about what might make her jump in and run for president. And why they think she can win not only the nomination but the White House as well.

Is Europe Going The Way Of Yugoslavia?
What was once healthy and strong may now be breaking apart. Stresses from many people angry at a lack of a say in their own future may be pulling the once powerful European Union apart. We see it from the left and the right. On this show, Foreign Policy in Focus’s John Feffer looks at how it happened: how grand it looked in 1989 and how fragile Europe looks today.

How The American Coup of ’44 Created the Cold War
In the long held American tradition of opposition to colonialism and a government serving the common good, FDR’s vice president Henry A Wallace was an outstanding visionary. Then a corrupt political machine performed a bloodless coup at the 1944 Democratic convention. Just as his name was to be placed in nomination (he easily had the votes to win) the gavel was brought down and the convention adjourned.

Populism: Stronger Than Parties
On one hand, the turnout in last November’s elections was pitiful. On the other, there are huge numbers of a massive yet largely untapped political energy. Unfortunately, the only organized political reach-out to these justifiably angry citizens so far has

The Origins of Modern Policing
Most Americans were shocked by high profile police killings of unarmed black men last year. Was it a few bad apples, poor training, or what? On this show, Professor Sam Mitrani discusses what he learned in writing his history book on the subject. Polic…