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CultureEconomyEducationFiscal PolicyJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismRacismSocialismTake Action

While the left has had very few actual electoral victories, author Michael Kazin argues it has very effectively changed the nation. The author of “A Godly Hero: William Jennings Bryan,” talks about his new book “American Dreamers.” What’s gone right

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CultureFiscal PolicyPodcastPopulismSocialismWomen

There are a lot of similarities and differences: They are both men over 65 but England’s Jeremy Corbyn is a traditional Labourite leftist while Bernie Sanders is an all-American left-leaning Democratic populist. But both campaigns earned their descriptions as political

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CultureEconomyEnergyNational PolicyPodcastPopulism

The Tea Party these days looks with fondness to the 19th century as a time of rugged individualism and unemcumbered free markets. As with so many mythic images, reality is exceedingly different. Like corporate personhood? Thank the railroads. Ever notice

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CultureEconomyEducationEnvironmentGunsJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismTake ActionWar

American Exceptionalism: it’s beyond mere national pride, it is an insistence that we are above the normal rules and that we are God’s gift to the world. Of course if we know someone who feels this way about him or

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CultureEducationFiscal PolicyJusticePodcastPopulismTake Action

Started under Reagan in 1983, the drive to put public education in the hands of for-profit interests has greatly weakened education, done real harm to thousands of kids, and weakened our real national security. Today’s guest is John Kuhn who

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CultureEducationGunsJusticePodcastPopulismTake ActionWar

We’re all familiar with 1776. But before the actual separation from England, there was revolution across the land. The spirit of 1774 was focused on class-blind democracy and a lot of what happened then, with powerful actions from the grassroots

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CultureEducationGunsJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismTake Action

What was the actual intent of America’s founders? The far right has too often gotten away with claiming the mantle of the values of America’s founders. Even Glenn Beck has stolen the title of Thomas Paine’s 1776 pamphlet Common Sense

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CultureEconomyEnergyEnvironmentFiscal PolicyJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismTake Action

We’ve all seen the results of economics imposed from the top down. Sometimes it works well, other times we’ve seen communities devastated as a result of this process. But in Cincinnati, there’s an idea taken largely from success in the

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