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They sought a better life from the Jim Crow South and freedom, but what they found was something else. It may not be bricks and mortar prison, but black citizens have been intentionally limited to specific areas on the map

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CultureGunsJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismRacismReligionWar

Of course the North beat the South but Southern Values also won. Northern collusion with slavery, annexing Cuba, the 1% vs the 99%, and the wisdom of Phineas T. Barnum are all entertainingly discussed in Ecstatic Nation: Confidence Crisis and

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EconomyEducationFiscal PolicyNational PolicyPodcastPopulismRacismSocialismTake ActionWarWomen

Are we watching a train wreck in progress? Journalist Robert Parry, who broke many of the Iran-Contra stories, offers his insight into how the 2016 Democratic Party may have ignored important lessons from the 1968 crack up. There will be

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CultureJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismProtests & ResistanceSocialismTake Action

Hundreds of thousands of people in France and elsewhere in Europe gather nightly. It is huge, but you probably have never heard of it. The blackout has been intentional. It’s more than a protest, it’s a serious movement. As Sorbonne

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CultureEconomyEducationJusticePodcastPopulismTake ActionTaxesWomen

To research for his new book, Thomas Frank specifically went to pro-Bill Clinton sources. Yet what he found left a profoundly negative impression of his presidency and what it did to the Democratic Party. Author of 2004’s What’s The Matter

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CultureEconomyFiscal PolicyJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismTake ActionTaxes

Q: When is a donation not a donation? A: When it’s an investment. It is a rare super wealthy philanthropist who gives without need of great public recognition? From feudal times, it has been in the interests of the baronial

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CultureEconomyEnergyEnvironmentFiscal PolicyJusticePodcastPopulismTake ActionTaxes

Tremendous wealth is being sheltered from taxation. The rules for the rest of us apparently don’t apply to the super rich of the world. But think about how that now-hidden wealth might help millions throughout the world. This is the

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America Aflame is a major new interpretation of the civil war era. In this interview with author David Goldfield, light is shed into important dark corners, such as the tragic role played by evangelicalsm on both sides, why a post-war

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CultureEconomyJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismTake ActionTaxesWomen

It’s not just the rapacious, perhaps truly pathological greed of the super rich. The Supreme Court has actively participated in the devastation of the formerly-large middle class. According to law professor Michel Gilman, the US Supreme Court has taken a

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CultureEconomyEducationFiscal PolicyJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismRacismSocialismTake ActionTaxesWomen

Throughout American history there have been times, rare moments in which the political establishment’s movers and shakers quiver as their best laid plans have gone awry. Their too-often successful efforts to keep citizens believing that we are powerless are on

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The 2016 New Hampshire Presidential Primary is history. No one predicted a 22 point blowout for Bernie Sanders. The establishment of both parties was flattened by the results. What the heck happened? Media talent trainer and consultant John Kosinski puts

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CultureEducationFiscal PolicyNational PolicyPodcastPopulismSocialismTake ActionWarWomen

He’s a leading contender, surging in the polls but the Democratic Party is wielding a real war on Bernie Sanders. According to Princeton history professor Matt Karp, it’s without precedent. Bernie Sanders is clearly carrying on FDR and LBJ Democratic

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No question, FDR was our greatest Democratic president. Though we have, at least for the moment, gone beyond the recession of 2008, perhaps we’ve merely swept the problem under the rug, along with opportunities for real economic security. On this

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CultureGunsNational PolicyPodcastPopulismSocialismWar

In the Christmas Truce at the beginning of what was then The Great War, and other lesser know fraternizing between “enemies,” it took courage to question the madness. Still today, Christmas is the one day of peace, while we feel

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CultureEconomyFiscal PolicyJusticePodcastPopulism

When the combined power of the Troika–European Central Bank, European Commission, and the International Monetary Fund–puts the squeeze of austerity on places like Spain and Portugal, a lot of people feel severe economic pain. But in the Iberian countries, they

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GunsJusticePopulismRacismReligionTake ActionWomen

Talk about threats to democracy and to America itself: The Trump phenomenon is blatantly racist, xenophobic, and fascist, more and more from both parties are recognizing this. Does Trump give voice to what many Americans secretly feel? In this discussion,

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CultureEconomyEnvironmentFiscal PolicyJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismTake ActionTaxesWomen

Chuck Collins, founder of Wealth for the Common Good and senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies talks about the new report on the top .01 percent and the impact on our democracy. They are not job creators as

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CultureEducationEnvironmentFiscal PolicyNational PolicyPodcastPopulismRacismTake ActionWomen

For decades police have gotten away with murder. Thanks to cell phones, today they’re getting caught. And they are fighting back, actually threatening such people as Quentin Tarantino. On the first half, guest Travis Morales of Rise Up October and

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CultureEconomyEducationFiscal PolicyJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismRacismSocialismTake ActionTaxes

While the left has had very few actual electoral victories, author Michael Kazin argues it has very effectively changed the nation. The author of “A Godly Hero: William Jennings Bryan,” talks about his new book “American Dreamers.” What’s gone right

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CultureFiscal PolicyPodcastPopulismSocialismTaxesWomen

There are a lot of similarities and differences: They are both men over 65 but England’s Jeremy Corbyn is a traditional Labourite leftist while Bernie Sanders is an all-American left-leaning Democratic populist. But both campaigns earned their descriptions as political

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CultureEconomyEnergyNational PolicyPodcastPopulism

The Tea Party these days looks with fondness to the 19th century as a time of rugged individualism and unemcumbered free markets. As with so many mythic images, reality is exceedingly different. Like corporate personhood? Thank the railroads. Ever notice

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CultureEconomyEducationEnvironmentGunsJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismTake ActionWar

American Exceptionalism: it’s beyond mere national pride, it is an insistence that we are above the normal rules and that we are God’s gift to the world. Of course if we know someone who feels this way about him or

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CultureEducationFiscal PolicyJusticePodcastPopulismTake ActionTaxes

Started under Reagan in 1983, the drive to put public education in the hands of for-profit interests has greatly weakened education, done real harm to thousands of kids, and weakened our real national security. Today’s guest is John Kuhn who

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CultureEducationGunsJusticePodcastPopulismTake ActionTaxesWar

We’re all familiar with 1776. But before the actual separation from England, there was revolution across the land. The spirit of 1774 was focused on class-blind democracy and a lot of what happened then, with powerful actions from the grassroots

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CultureEducationGunsJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismTake Action

What was the actual intent of America’s founders? The far right has too often gotten away with claiming the mantle of the values of America’s founders. Even Glenn Beck has stolen the title of Thomas Paine’s 1776 pamphlet Common Sense

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CultureEconomyEnergyEnvironmentFiscal PolicyJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismTake ActionTaxes

We’ve all seen the results of economics imposed from the top down. Sometimes it works well, other times we’ve seen communities devastated as a result of this process. But in Cincinnati, there’s an idea taken largely from success in the

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