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CultureEconomic IssuesEnvironmentNational PolicyPodcast

FDR’s Civilian Conservation Corps achieved remarkable success in so many areas: Creating meaningful work for young men in a time of mass unemployment, planting forests, conserving our natural resources. It ended with the start of World War II. Perhaps now

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EnvironmentHistory That Matters NowPodcastProtests & Resistance

On part one, Ron Jacobs and MayDay veteran Burt Cohen discuss the virtually unknown MayDay 1971 protest in DC when 13,000 people were arrested. And on part two, five college world security professor Michael Klare examines the significant silver lining

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EnvironmentInternational NewsPodcast

Putting out wildfires is one thing but how about paying attention to the causes? Our guest today is Daniel Judt who wrote a cover story for The Nation: “Australia’s Devastating Wildfires Were Not Inevitable.” Australia is among the highest emitters

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EconomyEnergyEnvironmentHistory That Matters NowPodcastPopulism

The New Deal aspect of the Green New Deal often gets forgotten. The goal now as in the 1930s is to make the state the instrument of the popular will. Democratizing the economy, making it work for the common good,

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EnergyEnvironmentMilitary and Defence PolicyPodcastTrump

Melting polar ice caps is great for the rapacious oil and gas industry. Trump denying climate change and wanting to buy Greenland is actually part of the logic of what drives our military policy. Our guest on this show journalist

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How many of us have looked longingly at our neighbor to the north with it’s sane liberal government? Justin Trudeau promised a fresh approach to politics based on openness, decency, and liberalism. Now corruption scandals swirl about him and his

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What kind of economics leaves out essential factors? One that is not sustainable. So says Rickey Gard Diamond, author of the new book Screwnomics: How The Economy Works Against Women and Real Ways to Make Lasting Change. She points out

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Part of any Blue Wave has to be concern for the safety of drinking water. The Trump Republicans may see Americans as existing to generate profits for private interests, but others see safe drinking water as a right, that government

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EnvironmentPodcastPopulismTake ActionTrump

And you thought the first NAFTA was bad. Trump’s new version puts the globalist corporations squarely in the drivers seat, never mind local or state laws. Food labeling? Forget about it. The crucial work that bees perform? Again forget about

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EnvironmentJusticeNational PolicyPodcastProtests & ResistanceTake Action

Asleep in her home the night of March 2, 2016, Berta Caceres was murdered. The military police of Honduras are suspected. But the government failed to stop her work: there are many more Berta Carcereses today. A government getting much

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EnergyEnvironmentFiscal PolicyTaxesTrump

Never motivated by serving the common good, powerful old-school Republican leaders such as James Baker, George Schultz, and Henry Paulson have put forward a proposal for a carbon emissions tax to fight climate change. You ask: why would they do

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EnergyEnvironmentNational PolicyPodcast

With the mainstream finally focusing on reducing carbon emissions, the highly capitalized nuclear industry is once again trying for a rebirth. This time as a carbon-free answer to help reduce climate change. But according to guest veteran investigative reporter Karl

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EconomyEnvironmentPodcastRacismReligionTake Action

She traveled 12,000 miles through 18 states and five Indian reservations to discover what local people are doing to address problems of racism, climate change, and economic inequality. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things in places you would not expect. Author

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While some argue Christmas is really a religious Christian holiday, that’s just not the case. The holiday has been with us for hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus and only morphed into what we see today as Christmas

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EnergyEnvironmentNational PolicyPodcastTake ActionTaxesWar

Is America merely a conduit for corporate wealth? Is the earth merely for exploiting without care? Trump’s designate to be secretary of state, Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson is all that an more. Though the job of SoS is about

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CultureEnergyEnvironmentJusticeNational PolicyPodcastProtests & ResistanceRacismReligionTake ActionWar

Indigenous Americans for over 300 years have been treated as invisible; treaties and promises routinely ignored. Mainstream media ignored it as long as they could for fear of upsetting advertisers but pressure kept building and, surprise: the water protectors put

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CultureEconomyEducationEnvironmentFiscal PolicyNational PolicyPodcastRacismSocialismTake ActionTaxes

The Vikings were brave explorers and they found wondrous new things. Today Scandinavia holds promise of how America can become happier and more free. George Lakey, author of the new book Viking Economics, talks about struggling toward something rather than

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CultureEconomyEducationEnvironmentJusticePodcastPopulismRacismTake ActionWomen

It was a disastrous day for Democrats. Senior strategist and media advisor to the Bernie Sanders Campaign Mark Longabaugh (remember that great “America” ad?)talks about opportunities ahead for traditional liberal Democrats. He argues Trump’s victory was less about hate and

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CultureEconomyEnvironmentPodcastRacismTake ActionTaxesWomen

Everyone wants it to be over. On November first, the chair of the New Hampshire Democratic Party sees real weakness in the Republican Party, despite its projection of powerful anger and hate. Raymond Buckley also fills in the blanks as

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CultureEconomyEnvironmentFiscal PolicyJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismRacismSocialismTake ActionTaxes

Oscar Meyer was Chuck Collins’ great grandfather. At age 26, he turned aside his inherited fortune. Why would anybody do that? His new book is called Born on Third Base; A One Percenter Makes the Case for Tackling Inequality, Bringing

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EnvironmentIsrael & PalestineJusticeNational PolicyPodcastTake ActionWarWomen

It’s been called the most progressive Democratic Party platform ever, but in terms of foreign policy, it’s pretty much as militaristic as ever. On this show, Phyllis Bennis, of the Institute for Policy Studies dissects the foreign policy aspects of

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CultureEnergyEnvironmentGunsIsrael & PalestineNational PolicyPodcastPopulismRacismTake ActionWarWomen

With Trump as president, it would be a major effort to just move back to the center. With Hillary Clinton, and sustained  pressure from progressives, forward motion is possible, if difficult. This is for progressives thinking about the election. Michael

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CultureEconomyEnergyEnvironmentFiscal PolicyJusticePodcastPopulismTake ActionTaxes

Tremendous wealth is being sheltered from taxation. The rules for the rest of us apparently don’t apply to the super rich of the world. But think about how that now-hidden wealth might help millions throughout the world. This is the

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EnvironmentFiscal PolicyNational PolicyPodcastWar

From the point of view of foreign policy and pentagon insiders, the candidate with the most realistic platform to ensure our national security is Bernie Sanders. Guest Robert English, former Pentagon insider and expert on Russia and the USSR, explains

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CultureEconomyEnvironmentGunsNational PolicySocialism

The myth of the rugged individualist settling the west is just that: a myth. The work needed to tame the wild and vast open spaces was not done with a lasso. The white people who populated the massive west needed

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CultureEducationEnvironmentGunsNational PolicyPodcastSocialismTaxesWarWomen

When Americans hear the word socialism, they feel frightened. Bernie Sanders has looked to the nations of Scandinavia for models, while Hillary Clinton runs away from that. What is reality? On this show, Ann Jones (author of Kabul in Winter

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CultureEconomyEducationEnvironmentFiscal PolicyPodcastPopulismTake ActionTaxes

No question, FDR was our greatest Democratic president. Though we have, at least for the moment, gone beyond the recession of 2008, perhaps we’ve merely swept the problem under the rug, along with opportunities for real economic security. On this

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CultureEconomyEnvironmentFiscal PolicyJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismTake ActionTaxesWomen

Chuck Collins, founder of Wealth for the Common Good and senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies talks about the new report on the top .01 percent and the impact on our democracy. They are not job creators as

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CultureEducationEnvironmentFiscal PolicyNational PolicyPodcastPopulismRacismTake ActionWomen

For decades police have gotten away with murder. Thanks to cell phones, today they’re getting caught. And they are fighting back, actually threatening such people as Quentin Tarantino. On the first half, guest Travis Morales of Rise Up October and

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CultureEconomyEducationEnvironmentGunsJusticeNational PolicyPodcastPopulismTake ActionWar

American Exceptionalism: it’s beyond mere national pride, it is an insistence that we are above the normal rules and that we are God’s gift to the world. Of course if we know someone who feels this way about him or

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