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Foreign Affairs

Foreign Affairs

EconomyForeign AffairsMilitary and Defence PolicyPodcastTrump

The European nations don’t need enemies like the US does. Since geography is destiny, they see a bizarre American President and have their own economic interests beyond dependence on weapons systems. On this show international journalist Patrick Lawrence describes what

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CultureFascism on the RiseForeign AffairsPodcastPopulismTrump

Donald Trump IS the Republican Party of 2020. So what of the future of the party; is there one? According to David Smith, Washington Bureau chief for The Guardian, some party members quietly hope for a Democratic landslide so they

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Foreign AffairsInternational NewsJusticeMilitary and Defence PolicyPodcast

Militarized police against African Americans and Africans as well. There’s a sharp rise in consciousness from the murder of George Floyd witnessed by millions. The many resources in Africa have been a curse for that continent, according to our guest

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Foreign AffairsInternational NewsMiddle East NewsMilitary and Defence PolicyPodcastTrump

Whatever you say about Donald Trump, he is a skilled provocateur. The instant Bernie Sanders suspended his campaign, there was Trump, sowing divisions, insisting Bernie supporters “have a home” in the Trump campaign. Of course very few would ever fall

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Foreign AffairsIsrael & PalestinePodcastWar

A two state solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is no longer possible. In his book Paradigm Lost: From Two-State Solution to One-State Reality, our guest Ian S. Lustick, political science professor at U of Penn, reveals that Israel changed drastically

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Foreign AffairsMiddle East NewsPodcastWar

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has been president of Mexico just over a year and he is already had success bringing great change. Much to the distress of the oligarchy which has ruled for decades. His new left party MORENA now

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Foreign AffairsInternational NewsPodcastPopulismRacism

Hard to imagine but the mainstream media has it wrong. What has been pictured as a crushing blow was actually a victory for progressive politics in the UK. Across Europe and Britain, working people are standing up against what our

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Foreign AffairsInternational NewsMiddle East NewsMilitary and Defence PolicyPodcastProtests & ResistanceReligionWar

It didn’t start with W’s 2003 war on Iraq. The British have plundered what is now Iraq since the 19th century. After the incredible economic and physical devastation and perhaps a million deaths, though little noticed in the news, the

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Foreign AffairsHistory That Matters NowInternational NewsMiddle East NewsPodcastWarWomen

We all know that, thanks to Trump giving them a green light, Erdogan’s Turkish military is now aggressively slaughtering the stateless Kurdish people. Kurdish women warriors were exceptionally effective in their fight against our common enemy ISIS. Yet Trump abandoned

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Fascism on the RiseForeign AffairsInternational NewsMiddle East NewsPodcastRacism

Across Europe tens of millions of refugees are living in horrible conditions, as countries erect razor wire to keep them out. Our guest today Tim Horgan of the World Affairs Council argues it is best to keep people where they

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Fascism on the RiseForeign AffairsMiddle East NewsMilitary and Defence PolicyPodcastWar

Of course Iran shot down a US spy drone. Any country would do the same. And Trump’s intention for greater tension is achieved. On this segment, legal scholar Marjorie Cohn argues that Iran had a legal right to shoot down

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